Victim of Falun Gong:Sexual abuse is just the beginning of hell

Sexual abuse is just the beginning of hell. 

The #MeToo and #AbortionRights movements shook my soul and encouraged me to tell what happened- The horrifying nightmare in my life. I hope my story can help as many ladies as it can to stay away from hell: stay away from sexual deprivation trafficker in the name of God!

At the very beginning, I truly thought that I was lucky to have met my love right after graduating from college. However, What I stepped into was a hunting trap that the trafficker had already prepared, I was just a lamb that was picked by the trafficker. The trafficker quickly lured me to America under the guise of "love and God" and met his family. What I did not realize is that the door to hell will be opened as soon as the plane arrives in New York.

The trafficker first told me that the babysitter was about to leave and no one but me could stay and take care of 2 kids. Because of this, they took my phone, wallet and passport, and I was not allowed to get on the return flight. His sister just abandoned me at JFK airport in NY.

As soon as my visa permission was expired, they began to use both soft and hard tactics, even intimidating and forcing me to apply for false Falun Gong political asylum with humiliation, beatings, dragging, and death threats. Each time I refused, I was subjected to more severe humiliation, beatings, rape, and slavery.

House arrest, verbal abuse, brutal beatings, rape, sexual deprivation, slavery, all kinds of mind control, forced to apply for Falun Gong political asylum, forced to work, and forced to submit to all ridiculous demands that have no human rights.

The trafficker and his people have a well structured way to get green cards with false Falun Gong political asylum applications. The trafficker's sister took me to the public and asked me to hold the sign for pictures as the documents support the false Falun Gong asylum application. I tried everything I could to say NO. I jumped out of her car and ran away from her house at midnight. I  tried as much as I could when I was in my early 20s. I have to beg them to take me to an unlicensed dentist because the trafficker beats my front teeth off. I had tried my hardest to say no and stay alive.

When my mind is manipulated to a certain level, all thinking abilities can lose their autonomy, and chaos is extremely easy to destroy. When I start to believe that there is no way out and that obedience is the only option to survive, especially when you are surrounded by the manipulator and his group, soon I suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. Everyone says it is my problem and my fault, and I slowly become like a sexually deprived slave, tortured and controlled until I lose any dignity as a human being. The instinct to survive keeps me awake occasionally, questioning, and soon I am struck down by the state of easy control they want me to present. And I start just surviving trying to cooperate with the performance they want, slowly being corrupted day by day, falling into a dark and infernal hell.

Every time I refused his demands, the trafficker dragged me into his driveway stepped on my body, rained pouches on my entire body, and choked my neck which is comparatively robust... threatening me that he can just kill me and no one will notice in the United States. He also will go after my family in my hometown and kill them all. I was surrounded by him and his people in an unknown countryside. He was right, he could just kill me and NO ONE will ever know that there was a young lady. Fortunately, I survived and I can speak the truth and what had happened. I won’t and I can’t describe the details here for safety reasons. It was very hard. Extremely difficult.

It's not easy to describe all the pain I went through in detail. Those days when I had to beg for food and water, and when even a trip to Wal-Mart was a reward makes me shudder and feel sad when I remember them. Even now I am still shaking, still hurt while recalling the past, … I am still in pain from watching myself in the past.

After escaping from hell, I have been suing the traffickers and their Falun Gong groups in the United States.

To be honest, the first thought I had was to go home, and go back to a safe place. However, it doesn't work like that.

The #The MeToo movement has greatly inspired me. After four years of litigation and treatment, it is only now that I slowly understand that I have stepped into the big hole dug by the trafficker from the very beginning. Such organized and premeditated human trafficking is not something I can recognize when I was just a young graduate lady. Many victims in the #The MeToo movement have suffered all kinds of inhuman abuses. However, because they were manipulated and weak, they were fortunate to have escaped, and it is even less possible to leave so-called sufficient evidence. Therefore, I want to use the courage of everyone in the #MeToo movement to expose everything I have experienced to the world and alert women. Be careful of the traffickers!

With my blood and tears, please remember:

Traffickers will act like nice, kind people, attract you as a Falun Gong believer, and lure you to make up false stories to apply for political asylum or a green card. Once you are with them, you are completely trapped in the hell of trapping. Sexual deprivation is just the beginning, the traffickers will do more against humanity than you can ever imagine. Forgive me, I can't describe the anti- human details, because I've been tortured to the point that when I mention this nightmare, the physical pain that naturally occurs in my heart, head, and body makes me unable to continue to recall. However, please remember that no good person will slander others by making up stories, even if the other person is a seemingly powerful government or organization.

What you should remember more than anything else is that traffickers look for lambs not just for women, and regardless of literacy level. Please know that you will always have your legal rights no matter what your immigration status is. Your rights and your immigration status are two different things. For example, your work and you are protected by the minimum wage. You still have your human right; the law still protects you. Do not be afraid or listen to what traffickers say that deported you, and send you to jail. It’s totally different things. Please hang in there and fight for your freedom. Don’t let anyone treat you disrespectfully.

I believed when all the sins those traffickers have are exposed under the sun, more of us will see and have a bright future. 

#MeToo is with you.






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