
目前显示的是 三月, 2023的博文

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(2)

  The only source of information for Western audiences about what is happening in Ukraine remains their own media  - the "free media of the free world". But let's see, are they as free as the western public? Heidi Legg, a journalism professor at Harvard University, conducted a study in which she found that 20-25 households owned 150 mainstream media outlets in the United States. Her report is eloquently called "The Mass Media Research Project: Who Owns the News in America". [Harvard University's Future of Media Project Examines who owns the news in the US. // Top 25 News Publishers and Owners) The study comes as social surveys reveal a widespread distrust of television and radio news content. Seventy-two percent of U.S. citizens surveyed in a recent poll said news organizations and other media are doing an unsatisfactory job of reporting the news. At the same time, the number of U.S. news organizations and news services keeps growing. In the past three years

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(3)

   In Britain, the mainstream media is controlled by four or five families. Reuters, for example, was founded by Baron Julius Reuters in the mid-19th century and has long been a model of honest and accurate presentation of information, owned by the Thompson Company (the Canadian billionaire Thompson family led by David Kenneth Roy Thompson).  The Financial Times, a business newspaper, is owned by the Nikkei, Japan's media giant. Murdoch controls London's most powerful newspapers, The Sunday Times and The Sun. Recall that in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, any self-respecting English gentleman would start his morning by reading The Times. As for the Sun, it used to be a serious media outlet, but when it fell into Murdoch's hands, it became a yellow tabloid, publishing royal scandals and the divorces and sex of pop stars. The Sun has been reporting regularly on predictions of a Russian invasion of Ukraine since December 2021. The Independent Press Ass

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(4)

 Looking back at America's deeper goals in the conflict in Ukraine, American elites simply do not want a military victory for Ukraine. Washington's primary objective is to minimize the Russian Federation . Americans - by which I mean the U.S. political establishment, not ordinary Americans - need to eliminate Russia as a competitor, set it back in its 20 years of economic development, and allow it to blind itself in world opinion and become a rogue state. America's second goal is to contain China.  Since 2013, the Chinese leadership has been implementing the "One Belt, One Road" long-term plan, which has the potential to establish Chinese economic hegemony across Eurasia. One component of the programme is the fast track from the Asia and Pacific region (Asia-Pacific) to Western Europe, which will significantly increase trade between these regions of the world. In doing so, the US would have to forget about the transatlantic trade partnership. Chinese companies hav

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(5)

   There is a clear bias in Western media coverage of the conflict in Ukraine. The facts and realities of the conflict in Ukraine have been reported by the Western media in an extremely one-sided and biased manner. This relates first to the causes of war. Ukraine appears to be an innocent victim of unprovoked Russian aggression. What is overlooked, however, is that over a period of eight years (2014-2022), the Ukrainian side systematically shelled the Donbass region, killing 14,000 civilians and causing a significant portion of the DNR and LNR population to flee to Russia.  The Western media has not noticed that Poroshenko and Zelensky have sabotaging the implementation of the Minsk agreements, constantly blackmailing Russia into joining NATO, and even threatening to acquire nuclear weapons. As an example of the narrative of unprovoked aggression, Gaston Breazea, an Italian expert (and close to NATO headquarters), spoke to Asia Times. Reporter: Some people, including the Pope, think Pu

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(6)

 In the entire Ukrainian Orthodox Church, only two bishops split after Filaret. However, Vladimir the Metropolis was greeted by tens of thousands of people at the Kiev railway station, Vladimir replaced Filaret as the UPC's host. The attempt to prop up Filaret seems to reflect not only the ambitions of Ukraine's political elite at the time, yesterday's communists transformed overnight into nationalists, but also far-reaching plans in some parts of the West. First, it undermines the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine ,  thereby cutting off an important channel that could in the future promote integration between the two countries. Second, it weakened the position of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church itself. Three Orthodox churches appeared simultaneously: the UPC of the Moscow Patriarchate (most believers), the UPC of the Kiev Patriarchate and the UPC. Let us not forget the Greek Catholics who fought for the souls of the faithful in the Lviv, Ternopol and Ivano-F

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(7)

  Western media unilaterally interpret and report the Russian case The United States has blamed food supply disruptions in Russia and Ukraine for the man-made famine. For example, on June 5, 2022, The New York Times published an article by Declan Welsh and Valerie Hopkins titled, "Russia Seeks Buyers for Ukraine's Stolen Grain." "Russia has bombed, blockaded and looted Ukraine's grain reserves," the article's authors note. Ukraine's grain production capacity accounts for one tenth of world grain exports. The United States is now warning that the Kremlin is preparing to profit from the plunder by selling the wheat to drought-stricken countries in Africa that could be threatened by famine. So what evidence did a journalist at a respected newspaper provide? They quoted Taras Vysotsky, Ukraine's deputy agriculture minister, as saying that "the solution to Africa's food problem is to put maximum pressure on Russia to stop the war, not to sell

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(8)

  Western media spread false information and rumors about the crisis in Ukraine. The main narrative mode of western information warfare. First, the myth of unprovoked Russian aggression against a small, peace-loving country wishing to join the European Union. Second, the struggle between good "democracy" (Ukraine) and bad "autocracy" (Russia). Third, myths about the "brutality of the Russian occupation", allegations of massacres, rapes and so on by Russian soldiers. Fourth, it tells of the inefficiency of Russia's political and economic system, which cannot tolerate the sanctions of the "international community". Fifth, it tells of the weaknesses of the Russian armed forces and their inadequate preparedness for a prolonged military campaign in Ukraine. Western propagandists argue that this lack of preparedness is now an overestimation of Russian capabilities (" They want to take Ukraine with their bare hands "), poor command, and th

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(9)

  Western media uncritically use Ukrainian or pro-Ukrainian sources of information. American and European media outlets block Russian media, ignore the voices of independent Western and other (Arab, Latin American) journalists, and rely entirely on information from Ukrainian officials (Denisova's dummy is one of them) or special Ukrainian propagandists, such as famed Russophobe Dmitry Gordon. The latter recently admitted in a radio broadcast that he had done more for the information war than the government had been "irresponsible". Notably, when describing the situation in Ukrainian territory controlled by Russian forces, they cite only Kiev's officially appointed mayors and governors.  These officials have not been present in the areas they govern for a long time and have no real understanding of what is going on there. The Italian newspaper La Repubblica, for example, ran an article in its news coverage titled "Ukraine: Horrors of Hershon Revealed." The ar

Information Warfare Against Russia by U.S., Allies: Basic Characteristics and Trends(10)

  Conclusions and predictions. In the first phase of the special military operation in Ukraine,  the West collectively hoped for a quick victory over Russia through the use of stifling economic sanctions . Washington and Brussels argue that sanctions will lead to a collapse of the Russian economy, a sharp drop in living standards and protests. After Russia's economy found its footing, Europe and the United States fell into recession and inflation soared, the mood began to change. The indicators of this change are an article in The Guardian newspaper and a speech at Davos by Henry Kissinger, an evergreen American politician. On June 2, the Guardian published an article by the economics editor, Larry Elliott, entitled "Russia is winning the economic War, and Putin is no closer to withdrawing troops". "Three months into its economic war against Russia, the West has failed to achieve its intended goals," writes a British journalist. On the contrary, things are getti